What is The Page of Swords Tarot Card?

The changing energies are heavy as we approach the New Year. This card calls you to enlightenment of your worth.

The Page of Swords embodies the purity of idealism. So what does it mean if you pull the Page of Swords Tarot Card? In this article we’ll explore:

  • The meaning of the Page of Swords Tarot Card
  • The depiction of the Page of Swords Tarot Card
  • The Page of Swords Reversal Meaning
Idealism, Excitement, Innocence are key words that signify the Page of Swords. Image courtesy of cocorrina.com. 
Idealism, Excitement, Innocence are key words that signify the Page of Swords. Image courtesy of cocorrina.com

The Meaning of the Page of Swords Tarot Card

The Page of Swords Tarot Card is representative of a person in one's life who shows an abundance of energy. The Page of Swords embodies a person who is bright, youthful, curious, and has good intentions.

 This person has passion for their ideas along with an aptitude for language, making them a gifted communicator, always caught up in some passionate debate. However, it can also signify being too abrasive or engaging in petty gossip.

This Minor Arcana card may be letting you know to be patient and to avoid getting drawn into unnecessary conflict or arguments. 

This card can signify mental agility, being quick-witted, truthful, direct and speaking out and fighting injustice. 

Tarot card reading is a form of cartomancy in which practitioners use tarot cards purportedly to gain insight into the past, present or future. Image courtesy of etsy.com. 
Tarot card reading is a form of cartomancy in which practitioners use tarot cards purportedly to gain insight into the past, present or future. Image courtesy of etsy.com

This card may represent the part of you who is still a child on the inside, free, full of energy and ready to chase after your dreams. The card may be reassuring you that you need to be more confident as you have everything you need to reach any goal you wish to achieve.

Or the pulling of this card, like other court cards, may represent someone else in your life who is full of youth or at least very young at heart. 

The pulling of this Minor Arcana card signifies a vivacious, inspiration and youthful enthusiasm filled person. They likely abhor injustice and abide by the rules but at the same time, but can come across as blunt or insensitive although they do not intentionally mean to cause harm. They can also be introverted or a bit of a loner. These people may fall under the air sign such as Libra, Gemini, or Aquarius. 

Love Meaning

As a person, the Page of Swords love meaning reflects a curious intellectual who carries an anxious energy. In relationships, they may be scared of emotional confrontations which lead to being completely avoidant when faced with them. On the other end, one partner may feel that their emotional needs are not being met. This unbalanced communication pattern often signals small, petty disputes with your partner which escalate into huge conflicts. 

The Page of Swords can also represent your relationship with a person who is exploring their ability to communicate and share ideas. As the Swords often express a level of tension or conflict, you may have your moments with this Page. Sometimes their energy may feel like it is too much to handle. If you need, give yourself a break from this person to allow yourself to think thoroughly about how you feel. They may have a lot to share with you and despite their inexperience, they may teach you something about yourself. It is important to stay open to their enthusiasm in order to learn more about the world.

Money and Career Meaning

The Page of Swords indicates that you will find fulfillment and great success in the current position that you hold, so hold on to this career, as it is definitely the right fit for you at this time. The skills you are currently learning and experience you are retrieving from your current work position will be extremely valuable when you venture out on your own path. 

Due to your childlike optimism, you would benefit greatly to take the advice of someone wiser in the financial world, such as a professional advisor or a mentor to help guide you. 

Because this card stands for honesty, you will find yourself in positions where you’re required to speak up–for yourself and others. This may feel slightly uncomfortable at first, but doing so will lead to empowerment and accomplishments in every area of your life. Image courtesy of znvbvk.dreamfeetsolve.top. 
Because this card stands for honesty, you will find yourself in positions where you’re required to speak up–for yourself and others. This may feel slightly uncomfortable at first, but doing so will lead to empowerment and accomplishments in every area of your life. Image courtesy of znvbvk.dreamfeetsolve.top

The Depiction of the Page of Swords Tarot Card

The Page of Swords tarot card depicts a young woman standing confident with a sword in her hands as she stares off into the distance. The sky behind her shows a storm approaching with wind-blown trees and turbulent clouds as strong wind blows her hair. Her expression on her face shows fearlessness and strong determination, ready for absolutely any obstacle to come her way. 

The woman seems to thrive on an almost nervous kind of energy as if there was too much inside her to say, too much always going on in her head.

The young woman is shown standing on green fertile land, signifying that the ideas of the Page will bring forth progress and positive change. 

Page of Swords Meaning (Reversed)

Many Tarot readers believe the reversed Tarot card delivers the exact opposite message of the upright card. When the Page of Swords is reversed, all the negative characteristics of that person come out.

Oil painting shows artist Lacey Bryant’s depiction of the reversed Page of Swords Card meaning. Over the last six years, Bryant has been focusing on a personal art project The Slow Tarot. The Slow Tarot is a series of seventy-eight original oil paintings, one for each card in the standard tarot deck. Image courtesy of moderneden.com.  
Oil painting shows artist Lacey Bryant’s depiction of the reversed Page of Swords Card meaning. Over the last six years, Bryant has been focusing on a personal art project The Slow Tarot. The Slow Tarot is a series of seventy-eight original oil paintings, one for each card in the standard tarot deck. Image courtesy of moderneden.com.  

Though she may be gifted with a sharp mind, she may use her wit to deceive and manipulate. Full of youthfulness, she may lack maturity, lashing out at little things and not understanding the suffering she causes to others. 


 The sword that she holds proudly may be used to create pain rather than to protect. Inexperienced with the weight of a Sword, the young Page of Swords wields this gleaming symbol of communication with pure excitement.

Although she is gifted with incredible communication skills, she may use those skills for vindictive purposes such as spreading malicious rumors or gossip to cause trouble. The Page of Swords guards herself from the feedback others give, which stunts her development. She may be giving false promises as well as being too guarded or vigilant. 

It can signify the need to think before speaking and to be mindful of others, for you may be damaging your reputation. Although you may declare a need to state the truth, a primary urge may be to recount another’s shortcomings. This suggests you should be conscious of how you may come across to others and only challenge or question those ideas that are important to you. 

The Page of Swords reversed can also mean that you are rushing through things too quickly, without thinking things through. Telling you that you need to tackle things one at a time rather than trying to manage everything all at once. Slow down, think things over thoroughly because doing so will lead to more meaningful outcomes. 

Here are some common messages people have gotten through pulling the Page of Swords Tarot Card. Messages: 

  • Don’t let your emotions influence you.
  • Think before you speak
  • Speak out about or expose injustice or corruption
  • Think things over/more thoroughly 
  • Try to be more practical
  • Always be logical
  • Consider writing about your thoughts
  • Use your head not your heart more
  • Take into consideration the view of others
  • Own up to your wrongdoings or mistakes
  • Don’t allow paranoia to take over
  • Do not judge others
  • Always be honest and truthful
  • Speak your mind
  • Come down to earth
  • Don’t let yourself get drawn into arguments
  • Be sensitive to other people’s issues
  • Study and analyze the facts
  • Don’t be defensive of everything
  • Question everything
  • Don’t allow yourself to stress over the little things
  • Fight injustice
  • Stand up for yourself
  • Do not allow for fear to overcome you


The Page of Swords stands for being sure of yourself and ready to face any obstacles that may come your way. Image courtesy of tarotbycecelia.com.  
The Page of Swords stands for being sure of yourself and ready to face any obstacles that may come your way. Image courtesy of tarotbycecelia.com.  

The pulling of this card is to serve as a reminder to you that you have the moral compass to do the right thing. This card is an indication that you have all that it takes to achieve your goals but you just need to push yourself harder to get what you desire. In other words, use the brain you were given! As you work towards this goal, don’t lose the starry-eyes vision of the Page of Swords. If the Page of Swords Card is pulled in combination with other cards, however, the meaning can slightly change and can also be a sign that you need to let go of the past. If you are able to let go of the past, good things will be sure to come your way. 

Written by

Nikki Novick

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Reviewed by

Kellee Maize

Kellee Maize is an American rapper, singer, and songwriter known for her conscious lyrics and unique blend of hip-hop and electronic music. Her debut album, "Age of Feminine," released in 2007, garnered critical acclaim. Maize is an independent artist who has released multiple albums and singles throughout her career, often exploring themes of social justice, spirituality, business and personal growth.

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