The very first sign of the modern Zodiac belongs to the ram, Aries. It is the sign for those who were born between the dates of March 21st and April 19th. Aries are known to be passionate, independent, committed and competitive, being the fire signs that they are.
The ram is the symbol of Aries, symbolizing the sign’s headstrong and steadfast nature. Aries is ruled by the planet Mars, the Roman god of war. These traits all stand for the sign’s main values; loyalty, intelligence, impulsivity, and passion.
Aries is the first sign even though it is not from the beginning of the year. This is because star signs begin with the spring equinox, as the spring begins to crawl out of winter frost and foretell the blossoming seasons to come. People with the sign are set to thrive in this environment, the burgeoning intensity of spring as the world springs (haha) to life again aligns with Aries’ natural livelihood,intensity, and zest for life. The spring is the perfect season that symbolizes those born underneath the sign of the ram.
Aries are generally known to be frank and honest, which can come off as rude at times, but it all only comes from how they place a high value on honesty over anything else.
The sign’s commonly associated tarot card is that of The Emperor, the wise and strong king whose throne is actually carved with ram heads upon the arms. The Emperor is a card that aligns heavily with the values of the Aries as they both represent wise, powerful, vibrant spirits. While the Emperor does also reach into the realms of logical and practical wisdom, it still aligns very well with Aries and manages to keep them in check.
The Aries sign is the first sign of the year in ancient Arabic and Persian calendars, and further in the past it has origins in Greek mythology. In mythos, the symbol of the ram most commonly referenced is that of Chrysomallus, a flying ram that rescued two princes called Phrixus and Helle. But it is more commonly known for being the same ram of the golden fleece, which has many cultural touchstones in modern fiction as well as mythology. And while the sign is ruled by Mars, the Roman god of war who is Ares in Greek myth, the two have no relation. After Chrysomallus was instructed by the gods to leave his fleece in the grove of Ares (again, no relation just coincidence), and as a reward he was placed among the stars.
But the sign’s history can also be traced back to the ancient Babylonians, the people who are credited with the creation of the zodiac as it is known today. Then, the sign was associated with their god Marduk, the patron deity of the city of Babylon. This god seemed to originally be a god of thunderstorms and conquered an ancient monster called Tiamat, who also has appeared in modern culture such as the five-headed dragon god from Dungeons and Dragons’ Forgotten Realms lore. All of nature owed their existence to Marduk, who evidently protected the world. Even all the way in the past, the signs of fierce loyalty and passion are visible in what would become the modern interpretation of Aries.
The Rider-Waite tarot deck depicts the Emperor as an old wizened man with a long beard and a jeweled crown. He wears red robes and wields a staff in one hand, upon a throne with the ram heads on the sides. Behind him are fiery red stone mountains.
The card in its upright form represents stability and fatherly notions, as well as protectiveness and authority. The Emperor represents a grounded man with a lot of business and very little time for fun and frivolity. It may represent the hard and authoritative nature of your real father if you draw it, or the wisdom of an older man. In general, it represents logic over emotion, and mind over heart. Structure, career, and routine are calling cards of the Emperor's inherent symbolism.
In your life, drawing the Emperor means drawing on older wisdom and listening to your head over your heart will keep you safe. We, as people, are often inherently irrational, and so sometimes a reminder to listen to our minds as well as our emotions can help us keep ourselves in check when the going gets tough. Concentration and focus and your inherent power will get you to where you’re going if you take the time to listen.
While at first it may seem like the passionate impulsivity of the Aries runs contrary to the stark logic of the Emperor, they end up going hand in hand in many different ways. The Emperor, while logical, ultimately represents determination and perseverance to succeed. And his deep red robes and flaming red sky behind him mean a great deal of fiery passion that surrounds the Emperor’s path forward.
In terms of love, if you are interested in men then you are looking for someone soon to appear in your life who is like the Emperor. A man who is maybe older, but is dependable and protective of you. If you are a man yourself then you need to embody the Emperor more, be open with your feelings and allow people to lean on you when they need to. Otherwise, the card simply signals stability in your relationships.
In a career, an upright Emperor is a good sign. It means that your hard work will soon pay off and as long as you continue following the ideals of the Emperor of perseverance and structure, then you will find great success.
In health, it is something of a warning to keep your body in balance. The key to physical health is a good balance of all the essential elements of your life. Exercise, but don’t push yourself to hurt your body. If you are sick, take your time to heal and rest above anything else.
If you’re interested in the Tarot cards of more star signs, why not learn more about Gemini’s the Lovers? Or, if you want to know more about certain cards in the Major Arcana, here are five tarot cards that are not as bad as they seem.