The Do’s and Don’ts When It Comes to Tarot Readings
Tarot cards have been around since the 14th century, but they were originally only used to play games. In the 18th century, they began to be used to help individuals connect with their inner self to make decisions about certain aspects of their lives. Until recently, the idea of using tarot cards to read people was often frowned upon. This is because horror movies have often shed a negative light on them and made people believe that if they were used, evil spirits would come forward. Now however, people use tarot cards to get a reading on their life to help them make decisions. They’ll use them to figure out how to handle their love lives, if they should take that job offer, or to figure out what their purpose really is.
In this article, we’ll be talking about the follow:
The importance of asking good tarot questions
Good questions to ask at your next tarot reading
What you shouldn’t ask at your tarot reading
The Importance of Asking Good Questions
🔮 | Learning Why You Should Ask Good Questions At Your Next Reading
If you really want to gain insight into your life, you need to ask good questions. If you don’t ask good questions, you won't get the answers you’re looking for in the tarot cards. For example, if you ask “yes” or “no” types of questions, you’ll maybe get the answer you are looking for, but you won’t get the guidance you need to get that result. It’s not necessarily about getting an answer right away. You should be looking for the steps to take or guidance you need to get the results you want. If you’re in a hurry, a short simple answer may suffice, but think about the deeper meaning of what you want to know.
So, as you can see, forming your questions to help you get guidance helps you to figure out how you can work to get the result you want.
Another thing that is important to know is, once you ask a question about something you want to know, you should be asking follow up questions about that topic. This way you can get all the information you need to know and you can get a full tarot reading online.
Asking the right questions is really important for tarot readings. If you ask the wrong questions, you may end up with answers that leave you upset and hopeless.
Tarot Questions to Ask the Cards in Your Next Reading
🔮 | Questions You Should Consider Asking at Your Next Reading
As we stated earlier, it’s important to ask good questions at your tarot readings. The first step to figuring out what kind of questions you should ask is figuring out what you want to know. Do you want to learn about your purpose in life? Do you want to figure things out in your love life? Do you want to learn why you went through something in the past? Once you’ve figured this out, you can then decide what questions to ask to help you get the best answers. Then, you can use these answers to figure out what your next steps are.
In this section, we will be listing good questions to ask at your next tarot reading. We will be dividing them into sections based on certain topics so you can see what are good questions to ask for each of them.
To get good answers from tarot cards, you need to ask good questions.
If you want to understand more about your family, ask these questions.
What can I do to help me be a better sister or brother?
What can I do to help me be a better daughter or son?
What can I do to help me be a better mother or father?
What does my family take for granted about me?
What do I take for granted about my family?
What would my parents like to change about our relationship?
What would my siblings like to change about our relationship?
What issues from the past are affecting my relationships with my loved ones?
What do I need to know most about a situation with my loved one?
What can I do to help my family?
Hopefully this list can prepare you for your next tarot card reading. Remember, don’t focus on “yes” or “no” questions. Focus on asking questions to help you figure out the next steps.
What You Should Not Ask At Your Tarot Reading
🔮 | The Big Don’ts For Your Next Tarot Reading
So we talked about what you should be asking at your tarot reading, but we should also go over what you shouldn’t ask. First, as stated earlier, do not ask “yes” or “no” questions. These questions won’t allow you to get quality answers and they can leave you in distress. Good questions focus on what you can do to improve yourself and get the answers you need to thrive. For example, don’t ask questions for others, but rather what you are able to do to help others.
Don’t ask questions about death or the outcome of a serious health issue. These answers don’t offer insight because you can’t do anything to change the result. It’s best to avoid asking questions for things you have no control over. Don’t ask specific questions about love. These questions also won’t get you anywhere since you also can’t change the outcome most of the time. That might be misleading since we gave you questions to ask about love, but what we mean is don’t ask questions like the following, “what is the name of my soulmate?” What does a name really help with anyways? If you get an answer, then you will be going around town questioning whether every Ryan you meet is the one. That doesn’t help you figure out what you need to do at all.
Hopefully this post gives you some insight about Tarot Cards. The most important thing is that you focus on improving yourself during these readings. If you are going to ask questions, make sure the focus is on you.
Written by
Gabby Haduch
Gabrielle Haduch is a senior double majoring in marketing and accounting at the University of Pittsburgh. You can connect with her on LinkedIn.
Kellee Maize is an American rapper, singer, and songwriter known for her conscious lyrics and unique blend of hip-hop and electronic music. Her debut album, "Age of Feminine," released in 2007, garnered critical acclaim. Maize is an independent artist who has released multiple albums and singles throughout her career, often exploring themes of social justice, spirituality, business and personal growth.