How to Make a Black Mirror for Scrying

Scrying is an ancient practice that allows the practitioner to communicate with the spirit world.

A table displaying a crystal, an open book, and a lit candle, creating a serene and inviting atmosphere.

Are you curious to find out what lies in your future? One way to potentially find out is to try scrying, especially with a black mirror. This article will answer the questions: What is a black mirror? How can I make one? What is scrying? How can I do it? 

A circular mirror affixed to a wall, enhancing the room's decor with its sleek and modern design.
A black mirror is a tool used to scry, and to make one, you must follow very specific guidelines for optimal practice. Image courtesy of Higgy Pop. 

What is a Black Mirror, and How do I make one? 

A black mirror is a tool used by practitioners of magic to get answers about the past and future, and to communicate with spirits. There are many specifications and requirements to pay attention to in order to scry correctly. First, you are going to want to found a round or oval shaped mirror, not a square one. You may also find that you have better results using a vintage or hand made mirror, so if you can get your hands on one of those, all the better. If you do not have access to a mirror, a round or oval shaped glass from a photo frame works as well. 

Clean both sides of the mirror or photo glass very well, and make sure there are no smudges. Next, you are going to want to get matte black spray paint. Hold the spray can at least 50 centimeters, or 20 inches/two feet away, and spray. Make sure you are moving your hand and the can from side to side to ensure an even covering of paint over the whole surface. Let the paint dry, and then apply a few more layers. If you are using a piece of photo glass, put it back into your frame with the unpainted side facing towards you. 

Be careful to keep the mirror smudge free because any prints or smudges on the mirror could pose a problem for scrying practice. Also, be sure to only use the mirror for scrying purposes, and don’t let anyone else look into your mirror, unless they are scrying with you. 

Scrying is a practice that allows the practitioner to call upon spirits, or to see into their past or future.

What is Scrying? 

Scrying is an ancient practice that goes back thousands of years. It is important to many different cultures, such as the Celts, Ancient Greeks, and Ancient Egyptians. The word “scry” comes from the old english meaning for “to reveal” and it also serves as the origin for our modern word, “describe.” Scrying was initially only practiced with water, in which the practitioner would gaze into water to see their visions. 

Since the beginnings of water scrying, scrying has grown to take on many different forms and mediums, the common theme being that most materials used are reflective or transparent. These other materials included oil, beryl, (a gemstone,) and polished quartz. When mirrors became a possibility, they became the preferred scrying method, and people often thought of mirrors like water that is fixed and does not move. 

Early mirrors were made out of polished metals, like copper, silver, or brass, or by holding mercury behind glass or by polishing obsidian. Edward Kelley, and John Dee, two famous alchemists, used a material called shewstone which was a piece of polished obsidian. 

A version of scrying that you may already be familiar with is divination with a crystal ball. Think professor Trelawney from “Harry Potter.” 

Scrying has many uses and practices. Clairvoyant practitioners use it to contact spirits in the spirit world, it’s used by divination practitioners to see the future. It is also used by paranormal investigators to make contact with spirits. Some people use it for invocation and evocation rituals, or the invoking or evoking of a spirit or figure. 

The material used to scry is secondary to the actual practice. The material should serve as a vessel to focus the attention of the medium or practitioner. You will know you have the right level of attention because you will start to experience a cleansing of the mind and a removal of unwanted thoughts. The experience will culminate in you being able to see visions. Some people believe that a scrying mirror is more than just a psychic tool, and is actually a portal into the astral plane. Some mediums have even fallen into trance-like states while scrying. 

A lit candle beside a decorative bowl and a bowl filled with water, creating a serene and calming atmosphere.
There are multiple methods to scrying, all include candles and reflective surfaces. Image courtesy of Love and Light School.

How to Scry

There are several methods that can be used to scry effectively. 

Method One 

You will want to start by turning out all the lights. It is best to also scry at night so that you can achieve the best level of darkness possible. There should be only one light source in the room, either the moon or a candle. 

Prop your mirror at an angle that obliterates any reflections. It should appear to be a dark window. You should not be able to see your own reflection in the mirror. Be mindful that scrying can take a long time, so you will want to be as comfortable as possible. 

Once your mirror is positioned correctly, close your eyes and focus on clearing all thoughts out of your mind. When you feel cleared and ready, open your eyes and begin to stare into the glass. You should feel natural and comfortable. Breathe normally, and blink as you usually would. Relax your eyes’ focus, it should not be an intense stare. Your gaze should be into the depths of the mirror, as if you are looking through it. 

After staring for a while, you should notice that the darkness of the mirror takes on a gray or misty look. Once this happens, colors should also start to appear, potentially in the form of shapes, symbols, or even pictures. These could even be moving images, or forms that take on the shape of letters or phrases. If you find yourself having trouble seeing the images or shapes, try to imagine them appearing on the surface of the glass. Start this practice by visualizing specific geometric shapes in bright, primary colors. Fixate on each shape for at least a minute, before moving on to the next. While visualizing, try to keep your mind clear of any conscious thoughts, but be aware of any that do come through. 

Most scrying practitioners do not see the visions, images, or shapes in their actual vision, but instead see it in their minds. 

The visions and thoughts that are coming up in your mind are the results that you are looking for when you try to scry with a black mirror. It is possible that on your first try, you may not get anything of real substance, but if you practice this ritual several times, your mind could put together something meaningful and helpful for you. Remember to have and maintain a strong connection to your unconscious mind if you want to make actual progress with scrying. 

Immediately after taking in as much as you want to take in, write down every single thing you experienced in a journal, including any random thoughts you had while practicing, even if they feel irrelevant. It is important to note everything that happened during the ritual. 

Method Two

The second method involves setting your mirror up so that you can see your reflection. The room should again be completely dark, but set up one candle in front of the mirror so that it illuminates your face. You should be looking straight into the mirror from a close distance so that you can see a clear reflection of your face and the candlelight. 

Stare at your face for 10-15 minutes. After around this time, maybe more, you might start to see your facial features change. Your features may become distorted, or your face could even change into the face of someone else. 

Some practitioners think that the faces you see are your faces in past or parallel lives, while others think that the faces are the faces of spirits who are located where you are doing your scrying practice. 

With this method, it can be useful to call out to the spirits. All you have to do is speak loudly and clearly, and encourage them to come show themselves to you. 

Whether you want to get clarity on your past, take a look into your future, or communicate with those you have lost or anyone in the spirit world, scrying is a great activity to try. At the very least, it will align you with your unconscious mind, which will help you grow and learn to understand yourself better. There are so many possibilities awaiting you, get your mirror, spray paint, and candles, and try it out! 

Written by

Macie Gelb

Macie Gelb is an undergraduate student at the University of Pittsburgh studying english writing, gender studies, and legal studies.
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Kellee Maize

Kellee Maize is an American rapper, singer, and songwriter known for her conscious lyrics and unique blend of hip-hop and electronic music. Her debut album, "Age of Feminine," released in 2007, garnered critical acclaim. Maize is an independent artist who has released multiple albums and singles throughout her career, often exploring themes of social justice, spirituality, business and personal growth.

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