Temperance: The Sagittarius Tarot Card

Looking for more information on the Sagittarius tarot card Temperance? You’ve come to the right place.

Sagittarius image of a centaur archer

Main image courtesy of Building Beautiful Souls.

If you’re lucky enough to be a Sagittarius, you know just how exciting it can be to continually wander and learn—both personally, professionally, and spiritually. Sagittarius season is at the end of the year, typically from November 22 to December 21, right around the Winter Solstice. This is usually a time of self-reflection and going inward, while we take stock of all we’ve learned and experienced through the past year. It’s also a great time to see how we’ve learned to deal with life’s ups and downs, and balance stability with the constant flow of change.

Sagittarius season’s tarot card is Temperance, but there are also some other tarot cards that align with this type of energy. If you want to delve deeper into Sag season and the Temperance card, keep reading because we’re discussing:

  • How Sagittarius relates to the Temperance tarot card
  • Additional tarot cards that align with Sagittarius energy
  • How to work with these tarot cards if you’re a Sagittarius

Sagittarius: The sign of balance

Getting to know what Sagittarius is like

sagittarius constellation and centaur
The Sagittarius sign is represented by the archer, and typically as a centaur as well. Image courtesy of Britannica

Sagittarius season is the 9th in the zodiac, and it is a fire sign represented by an archer, more specifically a centaur archer. This symbol is meant to show the adventurous nature and spirit of Sagittarius, and how they are constantly working to blend together their passions with higher learning, philosophy, and spirituality. The blending of the horse and the human shows their commitment to exploring the physical world, but their arrow is aimed high so they can discover new things and learn to push boundaries. It’s this balance between intellect and emotion that is so common in Sagittarius energy, and those born under this sign tend to love learning, like to explore new places, meet new people, and bring an optimistic approach to life.

This sign’s ruling planet is Jupiter, which is known for its jovial, welcoming nature and constant desire to keep finding new adventures. Jupiter fuels a Sagittarius’ curiosity, which is why you’ll likely find Sags learning new skills, trying a new language, or going on solo trips just to see what’s out there. Sagittarius relates to the Temperance card because these folks are constantly trying to “temper,” which is a slow process of integration and balance that relates to all aspects of life to reach higher, more stable states of being. 

Symbolism in the Temperance card

How does Sagittarius relate to the Temperance tarot card?

temperance tarot card
The Temperance card is full of symbolism that relates to Sagittarius energy. Image courtesy of Hub Pages.

You may first be surprised to learn that the card related to Sagittarius is Temperance (XIV) in the Major Arcana. The word temperance means to do something in moderation, but as we mentioned earlier, to temper something is a slow process of integration. The card features an angel doing this process of tempering, by combining the water from each of the cups. You’ll also notice that the angel has one foot on land, and one in the water, further driving home the need to balance between the intellect and emotion, as well as the physical and spiritual world.

This is something that really relates to how Sagittarius sees the world—striving to learn what’s out there and expand on their knowledge. There is a lot of symbolism in this tarot card, so let’s break it down.

  • The angel. The angel has beautiful red wings, which are meant to represent blood that is the lifeforce of humanity. On their robe is the triangle symbol for fire, as well as the sign for spirit. In their hands are two gold chalices with water (another symbol for lifeforce) easily flowing in between them. The angel is slowly integrating the contents of one cup with the other to reach a more balanced state.
  • One foot on each plane. The angel’s feet are also important, as one is in the water (emotions) and the other on land (intellect and physicality). We are at our best when we figure out how to balance all aspects of life, and we should continue to strive for that in our lives.
  • Yellow irises. The yellow irises are indicative of the goddess Iris, who was the messenger between the gods and mortals.
  • The winding path to the sun. The path behind the angel is long, but it ends following the sun. Even though it might take our whole lives to discover how to temper emotions and intellect, it is always going to be worth it and will turn out for the best. Working towards the best versions of ourselves is always a worthwhile endeavor, and one that Sagittarius takes very literally. 

The traits of Sagittarius in the Temperance card

You can see how Sagittarius qualities shine through the Temperance card, since they are explorers, students of life, and always working to find balance and wisdom. 

  • Exploring new horizons

Sagittarius are always up for exploring something new, whether it’s the pathway that’s present in the Temperance card, or learning how to find their balance. Using the symbolism of the cups, Sagittarius seeks to find the slow mixture of a variety of their interests. They may want to start exploring a new spiritual tradition, but will also want to ensure they’re well-read and understand all aspects of it. They’re prepared to go from one end of the earth to the other to keep exploring.

  • Adaptable 

Even though they’re a fire sign, Sagittarius is very adaptable. This is probably thanks to their easy going nature, and their desire for freedom. One of the worst things you can do to a Sagittarius is restrict or hold them back in some way, whether that’s intellectually, spiritually, or personally. They’re able to adapt to a variety of circumstances, especially if they find a new path to explore.

  • Growth in a variety of aspects

Just like the irises growing next to the pond, Sagittarius seeks to always grow. They understand that remaining stagnant isn’t the way to wisdom, and if they want to keep tempering themselves, they’ll have to seek out new experiences and grow. And while those experiences may not always be for the best or work out exactly how they want them to, at least they know they tried and can learn from any failure.

  • Curious and focused

Just like the archer, Sagittarius are curious about learning about a wide range of subjects. And like the arrow, can be laser focused on a goal. Learning to balance intellect and emotion takes curiosity and focus, and it is a life-long journey for many of us. 

Are there additional Sagittarius tarot cards?

Does Sagittarius relate to any other tarot cards?

justice tarot card

While the main Sagittarius tarot card is Temperance, there are aspects of the sign that relate to a few other cards. Image courtesy of Incandescent Tarot.


The Justice card has some Sagittarius vibes in that Sags are known as spiritual and philosophical warriors, and want everyone to have the ability to go out and learn new things to promote their own growth. They despise being stifled, and will fight on behalf of others so they can experience and follow their own path. This resonates with the Justice card that promotes making decisions that are right for you, and taking responsibility for them. 


The Hierophant represents the Sagittarius qualities of pursuing education and learning for your entire life. This can refer to learning new subjects, or learning new spiritual traditions. You can integrate what really rings true with you, and never stop growing intellectually. 


Sagittarius is always up for a new adventure, which is exactly what the Fool is starting at the beginning of the Major Arcana. Sags can be optimistic and excited to try new experiences, and this enthusiasm for life can inspire others to do the same in theirs. 

How Sagittarius can work with the Temperance card

If you’re ready to work with the Temperance card, consider spending more time with it

Now that you’re aware of how Sagittarius relates to the Temperance card, you should try working with it! We always recommend working with cards to get a better feel for their energy and messages, and these are some of the best ways to do so.

  • Sit and meditate with the card. A great way to get to know a card is to sit and meditate with it. This way, you don’t have to wait for it to come up in a reading. Grab your Temperance card and clear your mind. See what messages or feelings come through. 
  • Write what’s going on. Another way to explore a card is to do an open eyed meditation, and write exactly what you notice in the artwork of your card. Be sure to write down feelings as well as what’s actually taking place in the card.
  • Create a story. Alternatively, you could create a story about the card, and make a backstory for the angel, and where exactly the pond is by the mountains. Get creative!

How will you use your Sagittarius energy to embrace the Temperance tarot card?

As a Sagittarius, you know how important it is to balance your desire to wander with stability, which is well-defined by the Temperance tarot card. How will you meditate on the Temperance card to gain useful insights into your own personal journey?

Bridget Houlihan

Bridget Houlihan is a writer, poet, and cat mom living in Pittsburgh, PA.
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