Self Care Ideas for Moms

Being a great mother is an awesome thing, but don’t forget to also take care of yourself!

A woman in a bathtub filled with a few sliced lemons and limes and a book, a bar of soap, and sunglasses on a shelf.

Many moms dedicate most of their time to their kids. They wake up to take care of them and don’t stop until their job is done for the day. This repeats day after day with no ending in sight. There is always so much work to be done around the house. You have to make sure the kids are bathed, clothed, and fed. And that is just a few of the many tasks that need to be done. And you have to do it all while making sure your child stays out of trouble. You might stay home with the kids all day, or maybe you drop them off at daycare and pick them up to get right back to it. Either way, if you’re a mom, you are likely overextending yourself

It can be hard to find time for yourself as a busy mom, but it is extremely necessary for your wellbeing. It is not good for your physical or mental health to overwork yourself without much of a break. You will operate at your optimum level when you are well rested. You will be a much better version for yourself and for everyone when you take regular time out for yourself. You will be much happier and much more relaxed when you make yourself a top priority. You can prioritize yourself just as much as you prioritize your kids! Don’t neglect yourself. Make sure to take care of yourself as a habit. 

What is Self-Care?

A woman on her bed using a laptop while smiling.
Find your sanctuary and then do anything you want.

Self care means to take care of yourself so that you feel your best. Sometimes it might feel like you have to be useful at all times, but that actually has detrimental effects. Your body will not be at its best if self care is neglected. When you always have something to do for others, you can cause yourself to burn out. When you practice self-care, you make sure that you are at the best health for yourself and the people that rely on you. Caring for yourself is necessary for your physical and mental health. When your body is well-rested and well taken care of, it is more resistant to illness. Mental stressors are also less likely to burden you. When your body is in a good place, it is less likely to break down from the weight of life’s stress. 

Self-care includes hygiene routines, relaxation, and nutrition. It is anything that makes you happy and improves your overall health. It can be an activity that is calming, or one that is physical. It can be something mindless or something that is intellectually taxing. It all depends on you and what you prefer to do in your free time. Not having free time is not an option! You should never be too busy to treat yourself. You deserve to be happy and comfortable just like your children do. Your children will also appreciate how much better you are when you prioritize having your own time. Here are a few things you can incorporate into your self-care routine. 

Read a Good Book

Entering a different world can take your mind off of real-life issues. 

A woman reading a book on a windowsill.
This looks like a comfortable spot. 

When was the last time you read a good book? You might think you’re too busy to have fun reading, but you can definitely still read the kinds of books you used to love! You can finish a book by just taking a few minutes out of your day on a regular basis to read it. Even if you only set aside 30 minutes for this each day, it will be something for you to look forward to. You can delve further into the book’s world each day, and still take care of your responsibilities. 

Get Exercise 

Exercise is known for its mood boosting powers. 

Your body does well when getting regular exercise. Any exercise can work, what matters when choosing an exercise is your preference. Some people go to the gym and some workout at home. You may find it easier to workout from home, but whatever your choice, it is sure to be beneficial. Exercise will keep your body in top shape. You can go on walks, runs, or even do yoga. Make sure to stretch regularly. Your muscles will be less likely to be strained and sore whenever you're running around for your kids!

Keep a Skincare Routine

Your skin should have a chance to look and feel the best. 

A regular skincare routine is a good thing to start and end your day with. You might quickly scrub yourself and run, but your skin should get a lot more tender care. Get yourself some moisturizing products that have great ingredients. Make sure you get a scent that you enjoy. You will love the smell that fills the shower when you use your great-smelling body wash. It will make you feel relaxed and content. Even better will be the smooth feel of your skin. Retain that with some lotion that smells just as good as your body wash. Make sure you have separate, more gentle products for your face. When your skin looks and feels great, you also will!

Take a Relaxing Bath

A bath is a great way to unwind. 

A woman in a bath scrubbing with a loofah next to two candles.
This is an ideal way to spend an evening. 

You might be tempted to always take a quick shower, but every once in a while it could be best to take a longer bath. Baths are very relaxing. You get to unwind your mind and body from all the stressors of the day. Your muscles will relax intensely and you will feel great by the time you are done! There are many offerings available for purchase that can even make bath time more enjoyable. You can take foamy bubble baths, fill the tub with bath salts, or light candles around the tub. Each option will fill the air with pleasant aromas that will lift your spirits. 

Take Up an Artistic Pursuit

Art is a great feel-good hobby. 

Have you ever wanted to start painting? Writing? Taking cool photographs? Go ahead and do it now! Take some time out of your day to do something that inspires your creativity. You will enjoy the process, whether you’re just learning or practically a pro! The sense of accomplishment you’ll feel whenever you finish a personal project will give you a ton of joy. Pick up that sketchbook you’ve been wanting or start that blog you’ve been thinking about. You will benefit so much from doing something you are passionate about on a regular basis. 

Do Some Online Shopping

Getting yourself something nice should not be a rarity. 

Spend some time shopping for something fun online. Get something that may not be practical, but is sure to make you happy. You might have a habit of buying your kids the things they want, but neglecting your own needs in the process. You should make sure to treat yourself with something you like once in a while! Browse any website that interests you. You can get yourself new clothes, makeup supplies, or a new tea set! There is no limit to the things you can purchase online from the comfort of your own home. 

Enjoy Your Favorite Meal

You deserve great meals that aren’t all about convenience. 

Creamy pasta with spinach and tomatoes in a wooden bowl.
This creamy pasta can make you very happy. 

Food might not be something you focus on enjoying when you have children to feed. You’re likely more focused on making sure your children are well fed than in making sure you enjoy your meals. Some mothers even make sure their children eat and nearly neglect their own food intake! Maybe you’ve gotten to making foods that please your kids' palettes and not your own. You might be tempted to make yourself a plain sandwich just to eat something once your kids are taken care of. Make sure to eat something you enjoy once in a while. You can make the meal if you’re up for it, but if cooking feels like more work to you, go ahead and order takeout! 

Meet Up With Friends

Make some time for the other people closest to you. 

When you have kids, you end up spending less time with your friends because you are just so busy. Kids can take up so much of your time, you might not even think about your friends on the regular. Your whole life becomes consumed by your duties to your kids. It is a great act of self-care to see your friends. You can have a nice break from your kids while enjoying the company of your favorite people. Conversation with adults can be seriously refreshing after only talking to kids for long periods of time. Your brain will be reenergized and you’ll have more energy to handle your home when you’re not stuck there all the time. 

Get a Good Amount of Sleep

Sleep is important for your body. Make sure you don’t neglect it. 

Busy moms can have trouble with sleeping because of all they have to do. There are so many things you have to do for your kids throughout the day, and they seem to need you 24/7. It can be hard to sleep with all the demands and the stress, but sleep is the most important thing that you can have. Make sure to establish a firm sleeping schedule for your kids so you can remain unbothered during that time. Try to take nap time with them during the day. Get your rest whenever you can! You need ample rest to be the best version of yourself for you and the kids. Check for some tips to help your child also to get more effective sleep.

Being a mom can be really hard work, but you should not let it overwhelm you. It is imperative that you take time for yourself on the regular so that you can make sure you feel your best!

Written by

Stacey Fleurime

Stacey Fleurime is a Freelance Writer.
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Reviewed by

Kellee Maize

Kellee Maize is an American rapper, singer, and songwriter known for her conscious lyrics and unique blend of hip-hop and electronic music. Her debut album, "Age of Feminine," released in 2007, garnered critical acclaim. Maize is an independent artist who has released multiple albums and singles throughout her career, often exploring themes of social justice, spirituality, business and personal growth.

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