Numerology: The Number 8

There is Great Significance in the Number 8. It Might Even Affect You!

A white neon sign shaped like an 8 illuminating a dark corner. 

An Intro to Numerology

Are you familiar with the world of numerology? It is rather similar to astrology in that it can tell you a lot about yourself. For the uninitiated, numerology is the study of numbers and how their energy can influence our lives. According to numerology, numbers have unique vibrational patterns that can send ripples through how we experience the world. 

Everyone has a particular number associated with them. This number can tell you a lot about your:

  • Personality
  • Likes and dislikes
  • Compatibility with other people
  • Career prospects
  • And much more

There are several schools of thought when it comes to numerology, each with its own rules and origins. In this piece, we’ll be using the Pythagorean method, the dominant form of numerology in the west. It uses the numbers 1-9 and the latin alphabet from A-Z. 

Other methods include:

  • Chaldean Numerology: Originated in Babylonia, only uses numbers 1-8, and takes into account one’s current name instead of their birth name.
  • Kabbalah Numerology: Based off Hebrew and only uses one’s name.

Besides zero, each single digit number (and a few two digit “master” numbers) has unique traits and features associated with it. Today, we’ll be looking at what the number 8 can tell us about those associated with it. But first, we’ll have to figure out if 8 is your number.

Life Path Numbers

The numbers 1-9, 11, 22, and 33 listed in two rows. Each number is colored differently and has a title under it. The title “Numerology Life Path Numbers” hangs at the top of the image.
Your birthday will determine which life path you’re on. Image courtesy of MysticMondays.

Everyone has a life path number associated with them. This number is said to have the biggest effect on one’s life. There are quite a few other types of numbers (expression number, soul urge number, etc.), each telling you about different areas of your life, but focusing on life path is a great place to start.

Your life path number is based on your birth date. Since numerology mostly works off single digit numbers, you have to turn your birthdate into a single digit. This is achieved by adding up the individual numbers in your date of birth until they reduce to a valid number. There are two methods you can use, but both will result in the same life path.


The simplest way you get your life path number is to add up all the numbers of your date of birth at the same time. So if your birthday is is 11/12/2001, the math would look like this:

  • 11 + 12 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 1 = 26
  • 2 + 6 = 8


The more complex way to get your life path number is to first add the individual numbers in each part of your birthdate, so the numbers in the month, day, and year, and then add all those individual numbers together. Let’s use 11/12/2001 again for example:

  • Month: 1 + 1 = 2
  • Day: 1 + 2 = 3
  • Year: 2 + 0 + 0 + 1 = 3
  • All together: 2 + 3 + 3 = 8

The 8 Life Path and Numerology

An 8 sits upright on a table.
8s give it their all to accomplish their goals. Image courtesy of Parade.

If you landed on 8 for your life path, then you have much to look forward to in life. Or perhaps you’ve already found success. Not because it was handed to you, but because you have worked hard to meet your goals. But 8s must be wary of becoming lost in the fruits of their success.

Strengths of 8

Ambition: When an 8 puts their mind to something, they achieve it. And the goals they set are often lofty ones. Whether it's to own their own business or to become the top of their field, an 8 will put in the hours to get there. 

Karmic: Just looking at the symmetry of the number 8 should tell you that it is a symbol of balance. It gives as much as it takes, making for a stable, balanced world. In practice, an 8 will show appreciation when others do right by them. The 8 has a strong sense of justice.

Steadfast: 8s can endure whatever the world throws at them. The road may get bumpy in pursuit of their goals, but an 8 has the willpower to push through. 

Weaknesses of 8

Materialism: 8s work so hard to achieve greatness, it only makes sense to show it off. Money, clothes, cars, those on the 8 life path tend to flaunt their possessions. This can come off as shallow to strangers. 8s must always be mindful not to go overboard with flashiness. 

Authoritarian: Great achievement often comes with positions of power, and 8s can be a little overzealous when it comes to leadership. It’s their way or the highway. This can create an oppressive atmosphere within an 8’s network, especially if they're not the only one in charge. While 8 likely accrued the experience and know-how for their position, it’s still unwise to dismiss the thoughts of others. 

Entitlement: Another trait that can make teamwork difficult. An 8 may be less inclined to respect rules and regulations in an effort to achieve their goals. Bulldozing through obstacles, while sometimes necessary, can be detrimental in the long run.

The 8 in Relationships

A couple holding hands is reflected in a puddle of water. Their feet are visible at the top of the image.
Certain numbers are more compatible with 8 than others.

8s tend to view relationships like business partnerships. They’ll put in more than their fair share of effort, as they do most things, but passionate trysts and romantic getaways aren’t their style. 

An 8 thrives off the sense of being a provider. Taking care of and providing for their family is one of the most fulfilling roles an 8 can have. 

Compatibility With Other Numbers

In terms of compatibility, 8s tend to pair well with 2, 4, and 6. 

  • 2: It’s no wonder 8s get along with a number it’s divisible by. 2s are very much in tune with their emotions and the feelings of those around them. This contrasts well with an 8s potential to be more reserved in relationships. A 2 can bring out the softer, more vulnerable parts of an 8.
  • 4: Another number 8 is divisible by. Like 8s, 4s stay on top of their business and always have a goal they’re striving for. A 4 and an 8 may start off as business associates before becoming quite the power couple. 
  • 6: A close neighbor of 8’s. 6s are responsible and almost parental in how they treat those around them. They give an 8 a stable foundation on which to accomplish their lofty ambitions.

Other 8s?

You might be wondering why fellow 8s aren’t on the compatibility list. Truth is, while 8s can pair well with each other, their personalities are likely to clash. Think about it, two authoritative leaders with their own ambitions in life having to balance their wills and desires with one another. It’s a recipe for conflict. 

This can be especially difficult if the two 8s work in the same field. Competition breeds bitter rivalry just as often as it creates strong bonds. 8s take a great risk becoming romantically involved with each other. 

The 8 in Tarot and Astrology

6 tarot cards are arranged in a half circle. Within that circle, 6 corresponding zodiac signs form another circle within. 
Your number can also tell you something about your personality according to tarot and astrology. Image courtesy of iFate.

Astrology and tarot cards go hand in hand with numerology. They are all different avenues through which to learn more about yourself and others. The number 8 pops up in various forms across both fields.


There are 6 tarot cards, including 2 major arcana, associated with 8, each with a deeper meaning:

  • Strength: Triumph, mastery over one’s mind and body.
  • Eight of Cups: Emotional release and moving on.
  • Eight of Pentacles: The determination to gain skill and mastery over various fields.
  • Eight of Swords: Helplessness and tough problems.
  • Eight of Wands: Quick with their feet and their tongue.
  • The Star (17th major arcana, 1+7 = 8): Hope, inspiration, vision, purpose, and guidance.


Each major arcana is associated with a zodiac sign. Strength is related to the Leo sign. The Star is related to the Aquarius sign.

  • Leo traits and associations: Lions, leadership, passion, the sun, friendship, romance, pride.
  • Aquarius traits and associations: Air, rebellious, sensitive, intellectual, the water bearer, Uranus

8: Not Just a Number

I hope this blog has taught you a little bit more about yourself or people around you on the 8 life path. 8, along with other numbers, can tell us a lot about the world and ourselves. If you want to learn more about numerology, check out some of our articles on the other numbers. Here’s one on the number 4. Or take a look at 8’s neighbor, 9.

Nathan Eke

Nathan Eke is a professional writer based in Pittsburgh.
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