Numerology of 6: Uncover the Truth of Your Soul

Discover the ways that life path number 6 may have a direct impact on the trajectory of your life.

picture of the number 6

Numbers are often associated with the logical things in life such as math, analytics, and statistics. However, many people don’t often realize how it also plays a key role in many spiritual practices and ideologies. Numerology is the scientific study and analysis of numbers and the meanings that they hold in various aspects of life. The most common use of numerology, in spiritual practice, is present in the form of life path numbers. Life path numbers can be within the range of 1-12 and are known to help individuals learn more about themselves in the form of analyzing their strengths, weaknesses, future goals, and common traits. Derived from an individuals’ birthdate, life path numbers also allow for a deeper understanding of the patterns an individual may notice typically occur within their life. 

While it may seem overwhelming at first, this article will break down these key elements to make you feel like a professional numerologist at home: 

  • A Brief History of Numerology
  • How to Calculate Your Life Path Number
  • Numerology of 7 Meaning  (and Attributes)

A Brief History of Numerology 

Numerology is present in spirituality through concepts such as life path numbers, soul urge numbers, expression numbers, and personality numbers, however, this is not a new practice. Numerology, the scientific study of numbers, has existed for centuries and has been historically linked to ancient Greece, China, Rome, Egypt, and even Babylon! This world-wide practice is present in a variety of different cultures and is utilized uniquely within each one, typically due to different religious and spiritual beliefs. For instance, Chaldean numerology used in ancient Babylon helped lead to the discovery of the Pythagorean system while also evolving how individuals are spiritually connected to the universe astrologically. Now that we know a little bit more about numerology, let’s calculate your own life path number!

How to Calculate Your Life Path Number 

Do you think number 6 might be your number? Let’s find out!

Step 1: First, have a pen and paper ready and nearby, as well as your birth date. Today we will be using August 12th 2002 (8/13/2002) as an example. 

Step 2: Then, on the piece of paper, turn the birthdate into single digit numbers. 

Month: 8 

Day: 3 (1+2=3) 

Year: 4 (2+2) 

Step 3: Next, add all of the single digit numbers together. 


Step 4: We’re almost done! Now we need to turn the 15 into a single digit number once again, to reach our life path number at last!


Numerology of 6 Meaning 

If you were born on August 12th 2002, that means you have the life path number of 6 and this article is just for you! Now that we know you’re in the right place, let’s learn more about you! Those with the life path number of 6 are often known for being very caring and loving individuals. If you ever need someone to lean on in times of trouble, nobody will have your back like 6’s. Whether you’ve known them for years, or even a few hours, these individuals will always make you feel welcomed and included within social settings.

6’s are very open people and love making new friends!

Positive Attributes 

6’s are often viewed as very social individuals that love to expand their inner circle! They are very empathetic and will always be willing to help out another person in need, without even a second thought. These individuals often times have the love language of acts of service and words of affirmation. 6’s are not afraid to speak their mind or follow their intuition. With their constant desire for creativity and reliable nature, 6’s truly make one of the greatest friends. 

Negative Attributes:

6’s, much like all the other life path numbers, also have some attributes that can be seen in a negative light. When it comes to themselves, they can be overly self critical and strive to have everything be in a constant state of perfection. However, we all know that this is virtually impossible. Therefore 6’s often are faced with the burden that they put on themselves and struggle to give themselves the same grace they give to others. Although they are very caring, they can also be seen as overly protective and, at times, controlling over those who they hold very close to their heart. While they do this out of a place of love, it can sometimes feel overbearing to those around them. 

The number 6 is linked astrologically with the planet Venus! 

Numerology 6 in Astrology

Life path number 6 is astrologically linked to the planet Venus. Venus is the only planet that is linked to a female god and is often spiritually connected to the concepts of love and beauty. Seen as a symbol of balance and harmony, Venus is also symbolically representative of harmony and balance, which serves as a much needed reminder for those with the life path number of 6. Venus is the ruling planet related to the astrological signs Libra and Taurus which means 6’s often also share personality traits with these zodiac signs. 

Number 6 in Tarot 

Tarot cards are utilized in spirituality as a way for individuals to contact their spirit guides in order to assure that they are moving in the proper life path direction. Through this, individuals learn a lot more about themselves as well as gain a deeper insight on any situations that may be occurring in their life. 

The sixth card in tarot is known as The Lovers, but the number 6 is also present in the deck in the form of: 

  • Six of Cups 
  • Six of Pentacles 
  • Six of Swords 
  • Six of Wands 

The Lovers symbolize harmony and peace! 

The Lovers (upright) 

What makes The Lovers card so significant is that it (ironically) represents a lot more than just love. Similar to the planet Venus, this card presents the need for harmony within an individual's life and forces them to reevaluate decisions that often regard any form of bond or friendship. When this card is pulled, it also can metaphorically represent relationships in the sense that it encourages individuals to make choices about what they choose to commit to long-term, whether that involves people or even things such as job opportunities. The Lovers also serves as a sign that promotes individuals to stay true to their own morals and live their life in the most real way possible. 6’s often get stuck in the notion that they must constantly people please in order to be well received, however, The Lovers card says that an individual's most authentic self will always be the most beautiful! 

The Lovers (reversed) 

In tarot, when cards come out in the reverse they often represent the opposite meaning that they carry when they are upright. The Lovers in reverse often represents a disruption within some form of relationship in an individual's life. When it comes to relationships, this can often mean that there is an imbalance of power or some form of disharmony occurring. However, this can also represent a complication within the individual itself and also showcase that an individual does not have a strong spiritual connection to themselves and is not following their own intuition. In order to break away from The Lovers in reverse, an individual must rediscover ways to realign themselves and guide them back to a place where they feel centered and truly appreciated. 

Numerology 6’s Love Life + Compatibility 

With 6’s generous nature, there is no denying that they make excellent partners! 6’s love to be reliable towards their partners and are often praised for being honest, trustworthy, and always punctual. 6’s love to plan out dates far in advance to ensure that they can make the one that they love the happiest person possible. Because of their natural generosity, 6’s can often be seen as playing hard to get, but who said it’s a bad thing to keep your standards high! As much as they love to give, they also love to receive and 6’s do not desire a partner that does not share their same enthusiasm for life and expressive forms of love. 

Those with a life path number of 6 are often the most compatible with 3’,4’s, and 2’s! These numbers share a similar desire for depth and understanding. 

Numerology 6’s Career 

As previously mentioned, the nurturing nature of 6’s make them well suitable for careers that are people oriented. With their reliable and diligent nature, there is no task too big or too small that 6’s cannot accomplish! 

The jobs most suitable for them include: 

  • Veterinarian 
  • Nursing or health care related field 
  • Teacher
  • Therapist or Counselor 
  • Social worker 
  • Nonprofit charity worker 
  • Musician 
  • Artist 

These jobs allow for 6’s to truly do what they love and while getting paid for it! 

Let’s sum up what we have learned

By now, we hope that you are a professional when it comes to knowing information about life path number 6. However, your knowledge does not have to end there! There are so many other aspects of spirituality that can help you feel more realigned with yourself and your goals. Take your journey one step at a time and remember that although life path numbers are helpful tools, they are not always completely accurate on a person to person basis. With that being said, take what resonates within this article and apply it towards your daily life! 

Giselle Amador

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