Often women feel the greatest burden when it comes to understanding fertility. Don't let these common myths complicate your fertility journey.
The quantity of sexual intercourse each month is not the only factor that increases your chances of getting pregnant. Timing is truly the key to pregnancy. It is most important to have intercourse as close to ovulation as possible.
Although fertilization can only happen during ovulation, sperm can stay within a women's uterus for up to five days, resulting in a six-day period for conception. You can learn more about identifying your fertility window and ovulation here.
While being in good health dramatically increases your chances of conceiving, some fertility issues cannot be solved by a woman's lifestyle choices.
If you aren't getting pregnant, it may be caused by your partner's infertility issues rather than your own. Low sperm count can be the culprit of your fertility issues, so be sure to have your partner have his sperm assessed.
A woman's fertility does peak in her twenties, but that doesn't mean you can't have issues with conceiving before your thirtieth birthday. If you have been trying to conceive for over a year, you may want to talk to your doctor about maximizing your chances.
Issues with infertility affect 10% of women between the ages of 15-44.
If you are feeling alone, you can find a local support group at Resolve.