7 Reasons to Join a Women's Circle

What exactly is a women's circle, and why should you join one?

Women gathered in a circle

Main image courtesy of Well+Good.

You’ve probably heard the term “women’s circle” before, but what exactly does that mean? Women’s circles have been around for the vast majority of history, and are essentially gatherings of women that aim to empower and uplift one another. 

Women’s circles are safe spaces for women to share what’s on their minds without any fear of judgment or ridicule. They are typically led by one individual who facilitates the meeting and encourages others to share and connect with one another. The goal is to be vulnerable, honest, and kind to each other while building a sense of sisterhood and community among the participants. 

You might be wondering how that would benefit you. Maybe you’ve never even heard of a women’s circle before, or maybe you’re just hesitant to try. Regardless, here are 7 reasons why you should give women’s circles a try! 

Women laying in a circle holding hands
Women's circles allow you to explore and celebrate your femininity. Image courtesy of Spirituality and Health.
  1. You’ll be able to meet new people

One of the most obvious benefits of joining a women’s circle is the fact that you’ll be surrounded by like-minded women who you may have a lot in common with —  as well as women from entirely different backgrounds! You’ll be exposed to a wide variety of perspectives and hear about so many different experiences, which is a wonderful learning opportunity.

You’ll be able to connect with women who have faced similar challenges or obstacles as you and learn and grow alongside them, while also connecting with women who may live entirely different lives than you and can help you broaden your perspective on life. You never know what life-changing insights someone could share, and you never know how massive of an impact someone could have on the course of your life!

  1. They can help you heal

Women’s circles are all about healing and relaxation. When you’re surrounded by a community of women who want to help and support each other, you’ll find yourself feeling so much more relaxed and confident. By opening yourself up to others, you’ll be able to make progress on your healing journey, while also helping others in theirs! 

Sharing the trauma you’ve been through or the struggles that you’ve faced can be scary, but it can also help to finally verbalize that emotional baggage. You’ll feel a weight lifted off of your shoulders, and you’ll realize that you’re not alone in your journey. 

  1. They can teach you valuable life lessons

The kinds of lessons you can learn from people around you are unlimited. Women’s circles not only allow you to learn about crucial principles and moral values, such as persistence, integrity, humility, and compassion, but they also can help you get through universal life experiences like the loss of a loved one or your first major breakup (whether it’s romantic or platonic). 

Woman raising her arms to her side looking content
Talking to others about what you’re going through can help you gain valuable insight into yourself and others. Image courtesy of Paras Hospital.
  1. You’ll feel heard

When living in such a fast-paced, increasingly digitized world, it can feel like nobody is ever listening. Everyone has their own lives to live and things to do, and it can be hard to find time to have really open, vulnerable conversations about what’s been on your mind. 

Women’s circles exist for this exact reason —  to allow you to speak up about what's been making you happy, sad, or frustrated lately. The women around you are there to listen, and your voice will be heard. Your story might resonate with members of your circle and spark a helpful conversation about an interesting topic, or might lead to the birth of a new friendship with someone in your group! 

  1. They’ll remind you that you’re not alone

Life can be hard, and you can often feel like you’re on your own. These feelings of isolation and loneliness can seriously take a toll on your mental health, but joining a women’s circle can be a pleasant reminder of the fact that you are not alone! 

You’re not a failure or a bad person for making mistakes, you’re only human. Hearing about others’ thoughts and problems can help you be more forgiving to yourself and can boost your confidence and self-esteem. You’ll be reminded that you have people to talk to, and you don’t have to keep pushing forward all by yourself. These women are here to help and support you!

  1. You’ll feel empowered

One of the biggest benefits of joining a women’s circle is that they exist to empower and uplift women. If you constantly feel tired and drained from the monotony of your daily routine, joining a women’s circle can be a great way to break out of the rut you may feel stuck in.

Being around women who listen and care about you can work wonders for your mindset. It can help transform your thinking and make you feel more hopeful and energized for your future!

  1. You’ll be able to find yourself

If you feel like you’ve lost your sense of identity and aren’t sure who you are, a women’s circle is a wonderful way to explore yourself. You’ll be able to do a lot of self-reflection and discover what your true strengths, weaknesses, dreams, passions, and goals are. 

If you find yourself longing for your childhood, or missing the person you used to be, verbalizing that can be a step towards finding yourself again. You’ll be able to reconnect with those memories and work towards being the best, brightest version of yourself possible!

Candles lit in the dark
We can all help each other learn and grow as people, and women’s circles are amazing opportunities to do that. Image courtesy of Unsplash.

We can all benefit from surrounding ourselves with people who are there to listen to us and support us in our journeys, regardless of how similar or different they may be. Women’s circles are an incredible way to connect with other women, and you’ll definitely feel the benefits. Women’s circles are a reminder that we are never alone, and that there’s a community out there just waiting to welcome you in. 

Written by

Aarushi Pant

Aarushi Pant is a writer, animal lover, and activist.
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Kellee Maize

Kellee Maize is an American rapper, singer, and songwriter known for her conscious lyrics and unique blend of hip-hop and electronic music. Her debut album, "Age of Feminine," released in 2007, garnered critical acclaim. Maize is an independent artist who has released multiple albums and singles throughout her career, often exploring themes of social justice, spirituality, business and personal growth.

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