5 Yoga Poses That Will Stimulate Your Third Eye

Balance your energy, intuition, and perception with these 5 poses.

woman doing yoga outside with her palms pressed together

Ok, so although you can’t find a third eye on your forehead-- don’t worry, it’s there. While it won’t provide you with better vision, learning how to stimulate your third eye will change your outlook on life and improve your sense of inner peace and tranquility. 

The third eye, sometimes referred to as the Ajna Chakra, can be found in the center of the forehead. The Ajna Chakra means “to perceive,” and balancing it will allow you to trust your intuition and reach spiritual growth. While clearly humans do not actually have a physical third eye located on their forehead, this metaphorical third eye represents “the subtle body.” This third eye that cannot be seen, is a subtle yet powerful center for controlling your body’s energy and feelings.

 If yogis choose to connect with their third eye, they may find that they feel more happy, in control, and at peace with themselves. The third eye or the Ajna Chakra are important to keep clear-- when a chakra blockage occurs, it is possible that one will feel as though their intuition and minds are foggy. 

Here are 5 yoga poses that are important to understand and practice in order to clear chakra blockages, stimulate your third eye, and ultimately find inner peace, health, and joy:

1. Balasana (Child's Pose)

sketch of woman in child's pose
Child’s Pose is a classic yoga pose to stretch and relax your body. Image Courtesy of EmpowerYogaLove.

Balasana, or Child’s Pose, is a staple in most yoga routines. It is an easy, relaxing, and peaceful position that will bring clarity to any yoga session. Stimulating your third eye is all about refocusing your mind and body and connecting with your internal spirit. 

In this position, one receives a moment (or maybe a little more) of silence and comfort. You need to learn how to trust your actions, decisions, and feelings in order to stimulate your third eye. And Child’s Pose is one way to do so. 

To get into Child’s Pose, begin by sitting on your butt. Then, bend your knees so you are sitting on your calves and your feet are underneath you. Bring your forehead to the ground and reach your arms out in front of you so that your palms are flat on the ground.

Balasana will allow your body to rest calmly and comfortably, giving you the opportunity to balance your Ajna Chakra. By having your forehead placed on the mat awakens your third eye by making it the center of your attention and focus.

Take deep breaths in this position, allowing yourself to connect with the earth as your hands and forehead press into the ground. Stay in Child’s Pose until you feel comfortable, relaxed, and at peace. 

2. Trakata (Candle Gazing)

woman staring at candle while sitting upright
By sitting comfortably and gazing into a flame, one can increase their focus and find serenity. Image Courtesy of YogaApproved.

Place yourself in a comfortable position on your mat. Sitting on your chins will allow you to keep your back and neck straight and focused, while also helping to improve your posture.

Light a candle of your choosing-- one that soothes you during challenging times, reminds you of happy memories, or gives off your favorite aroma. Place the candle a few feet away from you but directly in front of your body. 

Focus on the flame with your neck and head facing directly ahead of you. Gaze down at the flame without moving your head, rather lower your gaze to the level of the candle. 

This exercise helps connect you to your third eye by forcing you to focus on the movement of the flame. Stare into it without blinking, watching the flame dance before you. When you feel the need to blink, slowly allow your eyes to close and rest. Doing all of the above will not only calm you, but it will help build your attention span, therefore exercising your third eye. 

3. Humble Warrior

Humble Warrior Pose A Variation Of The Classic Yoga Warrior Postures
While similar to Warrior I, Humble Warrior awakens the third eye as the forehead is pushed to the ground. Image Courtesy of YogaMerge.

Start by standing with both feet facing forward. Then, step your right foot forward and slightly bend your right leg to resemble a lounge. Look straight ahead keeping your back straight. Be sure to avoid locking your knee and do not let your knee go over your toes. 

Inhale as you interlock your hands behind your back so your palms are facing one another. Lean forward and raise your joined hands behind your back as far as possible, bringing your right shoulder towards your right knee.

Do not forget to breathe as you do so. Allow your head to drop towards the ground as much as your body will allow it. Relax your head, neck, and shoulders. This position should release the flow of energy that oftentimes becomes blocked in our upper bodies. 

Opening and stretching your shoulders will open the channel between your head and heart, clearing the way for focused thought and creativity. By opening your shoulders and chest, your body should begin to feel clear of doubts and weaknesses. 

This position should allow your third eye chakra to unblock itself, making way for you to trust your intuition!

4. Makarasana (Dolphin Pose)

man in blue shirt doing dolphin pose
While this pose may be challenging, it is a great way to stretch and connect with your third eye. Image Courtesy of MSN Health and Fitness.

The Dolphin Pose is similar to Downward Facing Dog.  However, it is a bit more challenging. If you feel anxious or uncomfortably tight while attempting this position, stick to the classic Downward Facing Dog. You will still activate your third eye as you stretch your hamstrings and reverse your blood flow.

To get into this position, start in Downward Facing Dog. Place your two hands in front of your feet and slowly walk them away from your body until you feel a stretch in your hamstrings or arms. Press your palms into the mat and push your pelvis downward, allowing your heels to touch the ground. 

Lower your right elbow to the ground with your palms remaining flat. Next, lower your left elbow. Adjust your shoulders so that they are away from your neck to relieve any strenuous pressure. 

From this position, you can either keep your gaze at your feet, or look ahead of you. If you feel comfortable and you would like to challenge yourself, look forward and gaze upward to your third eye, focusing intensely on finding inner strength and serenity.

This is a restorative pose that should allow your body to learn balance while also increasing head circulation. The increase in blood flow and circulation will offer clarity, crushing stress and allowing your third eye to come to life.

5. Alternate Nostril Breathing

sketch of person breathing in and out their right and left and right nostrils
This breathing technique is the perfect way to calm your mind and body. Image Courtesy of CharleYoga.

Activating your third eye means stimulating your brain so it may learn how to adapt to change, find clarity, and ultimately make you more confident. Alternate nostril breathing, formally known as Nadi Shodhana Pranayama, is one way you can balance the two halves of your brain. 

The left and the right side of the brain have different functions so it is important to bring them together as one. This breathing technique will reset how you were breathing and bring synchronicity to not only your breathing, but to your emotions and your decisions. 

Begin by sitting in a comfortable position, potentially with your legs crossed and your back and chest straight. Rest your hands on your knees, close your eyes and take a deep breath. 

Bring your right index and middle fingers to your third eye, directly in the middle of your forehead. Rest your thumb on your right nostril and your ring finger on your left nostril. Inhale deeply. As you exhale, push your left thumb onto your right nostril, forcing yourself to only exhale out of your left nostril. 

While holding your right nostril in, inhale through your left nostril. As you exhale, close your left nostril and open your right. Continue to breathe in and out using only one nostril for up to five minutes. 

This breathing technique will lower your heart rate and lower your average breathing rhythm, helping you to relax and clear your mind. Alternate nostril breathing is a great way to connect to your third eye or find peace in stressful situations.

Using these five techniques should help your body reconnect with your spiritual soul. Making decisions, trusting your intuition, and finding inner clarity can be extremely challenging. It is really important to take time out of your life to complete a few of these poses to clear your mind, body, and soul. Stimulating your third eye will balance your energy and make you trust your intuition, so be sure to try out these poses! 

Written by

Amy Viall

Amy is a full time student at the University of Pittsburgh, an avid ice cream lover, and a peer always willing to learn more about the world!
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Kellee Maize

Kellee Maize is an American rapper, singer, and songwriter known for her conscious lyrics and unique blend of hip-hop and electronic music. Her debut album, "Age of Feminine," released in 2007, garnered critical acclaim. Maize is an independent artist who has released multiple albums and singles throughout her career, often exploring themes of social justice, spirituality, business and personal growth.

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